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Shipping challenges
We know that there may still be issues with some stock levels and understand the frustration this can cause. There’s a ‘perfect storm’ with the ongoing effects of the pandemic combined with the more complex supply chains post-Brexit which continue to pose production and shipping challenges for many of the brands. High infection levels in garment manufacturing countries means that production has been interrupted and Covid closures have again been affecting capacity at ports, causing a backlog of container traffic.
Logistics shortages
Exceptional demand globally for containers has meant everyone is fighting for capacity, and escalating costs are also making it harder for brands to plan shipping. Additionally, once the goods reach the UK, many suppliers are still limiting volumes to their customers, which, combined with staff shortages due to self-isolation and difficulty recruiting post-Brexit, is leading to an increase in lead times.
What is Polkemmet Embroidery doing to help the situation?
Our suppliers are investing heavily to build and maintain stock levels
Generally our suppliers have a good level of stock on most styles, however there are still gaps. They’ve made significant stock orders with the brands to fill these gaps as quickly as possible and are continuing to monitor levels and order accordingly.
Working with our brands
Our brand partners are keeping us updated on their stock levels, but unfortunately there is a lack of visibility for both us and the brands on delivery dates due to the shipping issues mentioned before. We’re working together to get the most up-to-date information available.
How can you get ahead with these challenges?
Place orders early on items you know you’ll need
Ordering earlier than you usually would is advised.
Use similar products
We may offer similar styles for products, so if something you need to order isn’t in stock, there may be alternatives that we can offer.